Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"All the Lost, Autobiographical Novels" by Aaron Gilbreath

Okay, so this isn't fiction, but it says some pretty important things about fiction. Also, if you haven't read Aaron Gilbreath's work yet, it's about time you do. He's genius and destined for greatness. In fact, you'd be wise to get your hands on that unpublished novel he's talking about, set your grandbabies up for life.

Here are some of my favorite fiction truths from this piece:

"...fiction felt more real than real life, partly because it eliminated false parallels and imposed plotting, partly because the novel focused on what mattered...."

"We make sense of our complex lives' inherent disarray by isolating distinct narrative threads and weaving them together. Sometimes we get the weave wrong. Sometimes there's no there there."

"It was my story, only it was truer somehow. Fiction is surprising that way."

It certainly is!

"All the Lost, Autobiographical Novels" in ZYZZYVA

Aaron Gilbreath

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